Friday, May 10, 2013


Welcome to the new blog! New things are happening in my life and I thought what better what to share and celebrate them with a new, dedicated blog. I am not promising to write any more frequently here than before, I just cant seem to become a dedicated blogger, however I do promise to write about things that inspire me, things I am becoming quite passionate about and things I think are just plain interesting.

To start with Kevin and I got married! February 9, 2013 to be exact. It was a fabulous day, although I dont understand the whole "best day of my life" saying because life has only gotten better every day since!

One day I will probably blog about the wedding and share some more pictures but today I want to talk about the main thoughts behind this blog. For awhile now I have been really into reading about simple living, clean living and in general just being healthy. And while Im not fully committed to these, I dont think I could give up some of my modern technology or treat foods, I do think there is some merit to it. Its a great way to simplify your life, to focus on what really matters. Its a huge topic that cant be covered by just one post but for now I want to share that we have planted our first GARDEN! We definitely have some learning to do but with Grandma Heggie's help we are hoping to can and preserve quite a bit of our own veggies this fall. We are off to a great start so far :). Once we have some seedlings I will share a photo or two on the blog. 

Thats all for now, thanks for reading!